General information

Scientific Cooperation Center "Interactive plus"
The Center was founded in 2013 by a group of scientists to promote the development of scientific cooperation, support the implementation of scientific achievements and advanced experience in mass practice, development of innovative potential of the person.

Activity sphere
To achieve its goals the Center operates in the following areas:
- submission of an independent platform for the validation of research results of scientists and practitioners: organization and carrying out of international research-to-practice conferences on topical issues of modern science;
- publication of monographs and collections of scientific papers;
- publication of scientific-methodological and theoretical electronic journal.

In its work the Center adheres to the following principles:
- We are open to all comers, regardless of category, degree or rank. To take part in our events you are just to fill out an application online.
- Activity of the Center is featured by a business and a responsible approach to the implementation of projects based on the experience and professionalism of the staff.
- We guarantee attention to details and spotless quality of services.
- We are focused on the client: all the issued certificates are signed by the seal of the Centre, in addition to the Director General, by scientific director; all the articles are reviewed by experts with the degree of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences; all products published receive an International ISBN/ISSN sign and sent to the country's largest libraries.