List of publications on a keyword: «Creativity»
[19.00.00] Психологические науки
FSBI “Saint-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey P. Shklyaruk , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«The dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents engaged in artistic creativity»

This article presents a study of the dynamics of socio-psychological adaptation in adolescents during the course of pictorial arts. 60 teenagers aged 13 to 17 years have been participating in a longitudinal study for three years, systematically involved and not involved in pictorial art. It has been found that the creative adolescents have lower level of neuro-psychological adaptation and higher level of subjective feelings of loneliness than non-creative adolescents. But creative teenagers have significantly higher self-esteem, level of aspiration and satisfaction in achieving success and lower anxiety in relationships with adults. The influence of the creative group reflected on such personal qualities as: self-confidence, credibility among peers, ability to do things with their hands, social identity, loneliness, frustration needs in achieving success, problems and fears in relations with adults. The personal characteristics of creative adolescents have been identified. These characteristics distinguish them from others teenagers, and the effect of the creative group and creative activity indirectly on the personal qualities of adolescents.
[09.00.00] Философские науки
Insitute of Public Administration and Civil Service, FSBEI of HE “Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation” , Москва г
«Creativity on the way to inclusion: mechanisms of self-identification of the person»

The author analyzes the global transformations of the sociocultural reality and the resulting opportunities for the social realization of the personality, designated in modern scientific discourse as the Other. The author considers the essence of self-identification of a person in the context of the emergence of a new concept of humanism – a culture of inclusion. The researcher analyzes the mechanisms of self-identification of oneself through the Other by means of creative activity, as well as their significance in the aspect of being inclusive.
FSBI “Saint-Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute” , Санкт-Петербург г
Sergey P. Shklyaruk , candidate of medical sciences
FSBEI of HE "Saint Petersburg State University" , Санкт-Петербург г
«The influence of creativity on the process of adaptation in the period of teenagers’ crisis»

This paper studies the influence of regular pictorial creativity class and the environment of creative groups on overcoming the adolescent crisis. Each of 60 students was given a battery of tests. Psychological adaptation, self-esteem and level of aspiration, identity, the subjective sense of loneliness and school anxiety have been studied. The data of descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U criterion for nonparametric tests for two independent samples has been processed. It is concluded that adolescents in non-permanent creative groups have a reduced level of neuropsychic adaptation and self-esteem and also high levels of subjective loneliness and frustration in achieving success, compared with adolescents from the constant creative and uncreative groups.
FSBEI of HE "Irkutsk State University" , Иркутская обл
«Уровни развития творческих способностей старших дошкольников в сюжетном рисовании»

This article discusses the problem of development of creative abilities of children of the sixth year of life. We have analyzed the concept of children's creativity and creativity of the criteria of different authors. The nature and content of work on parenting with the plot of the picture. Criteria creativity to draw a scene, which highlighted the levels of development of the plot of figure children.
Aleksandr I. Chikalov
Sevastopol Brunch of Lomonosov Moscow State University , Севастополь г
«Соотношение творческой и нетворческой деятельности в общественной жизни»

Taking place in the conditions of industrial society processes (in particular the accelerating pace of technological progress, improved living standards, increased education of the population) dramatically increase society's need for creative work. In modern times, the development of creative activity of people in all areas of activity is becoming one of important social problems. And the more society is interested in progress, the more revered and encouraged in this work.
Insitute "Higher School of Education" of FSBEI of HPE "Moscow State University of Education" , Москва г
«The pattern of aesthetic learning by children to draw an expressional image of a person»

The relevance of this article is not in doubt, because Anikin Alevtina Pavlovna considering the possibility of shaping children's emotional expressive an image of the person using the portrait as one of the genres of fine art, in which the main image is the man studied the expression of preschool children emotional state of the person in the picture.
[13.00.00] Педагогические науки
MBEI "Comprehensive school №4 named after G.K. Jukov" , Московская обл
«The educational project «A gifted Pushkin reader»»

The paper presents an educational project, the main task of which is reduced to an aggravation of pupils' interest to creativity of the great poet A.S. Pushkin, as well as improvement of the efficiency of his works reading by intellectually and artistically gifted children. The classification of Pushkin's characters by the parameters of perception of reality, honor and prestige, enlightenment and learning is made in the work. The author points out the possibility of preparation the the script of the play “Love and secret freedom” and organization of elective course “Workshop of Pushkin’s verse” within the scope of the project.
Педагогические науки
Pedagogic school (branch) FSAEI of HPE "Far-East Federal University" in Ussuriisk , Приморский край
«Вопросы творческого взаимодействия в образовании в современных зарубежных и российских публикациях»

The paper gives a brief analysis of the information relevance and considers contemporary views on the significance of creative teacher-students' interaction in modern higher educational institutions. The forms of such interaction are given in the light of changing educational paradigm. Those forms are viewed as striking demonstrations of the importance of creative educational communication studies.
FSFIS Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS , Московская обл
Vera V. Gavrina
MEI School №75 , Московская обл
«The socialization of students in the process of art activity in a mixed-age organization»
Misilimkan D. Aidarova
Batken State University , Kyrgyzstan
«The influences of folk pedagogics on teenagers’ multicultural education»
Организация воспитательно-образовательного процесса в ДОУ
FBEI @School with profound English teaching №1359 named after aircraft designer M.L. Mile" , Москва г
«Significance of productive activities for preschool age children»
Проблемы повышения качества образования в современных условиях
SBI of APE "Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and Raising the Level of Skills of Teachers and Education Personnel" , Челябинская обл
«training for the subject olympiad of pupils as a means of divergent thinking senior pupils development»

The work is devoted to the development of divergent thinking of senior pupils. The author considers preparation of pupils for subject olympiad as a tool of divergent thinking development among senior pupils. A researcher draws attention to the olympaid stages and objectives of each stage, which should be addressed while preparation for the olympaid. The paper identified the most important olympaid stage in the process of preparation, which generates divergent abilities such as creativity, cognitive activity and motivational activity, necessary for the development of divergent thinking among high school students and the results of empirical experiment are also shown.
Коррекционная педагогика, дефектология
FBEI "Nurlat Boarding School for children with disabilities" , Татарстан Респ
«Development of creative abilities of children with disabilities in extracurricular activities»

The problem of inclusion of people with disabilities into the real life of society is urgent all over the world. One of the main tasks of education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities is the optimal development of their potential cognitive functions and personality in general, training and their inclusion into environment as full members of society. In the process of scientific literature studying on the subject and practical work, using a variety of methods and techniques of children with disabilities education, the author came to the conclusion that labour activity is the most effective tool of social adaptation and implementation of individual capabilities of children with disabilities.
Теория и методика общего образования
SBEI School №1329 , Москва г
«Electronic learning resources at the lessons of art in initial school»
FSOMEI of HE "Novosibirsk Military Institute of Internal Military Forces named after I.K. Yakovlev of Russian MIA" , Новосибирская обл
«The impact and role of innovative business development for economic growth»
Инновационные принципы и подходы организации учебной деятельности
Vladivostok Presidential Cadet School , Приморский край
«Encouraging learners to create language-learning materials»
Diana A. Piatkina
FSBEI of HE "Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University" , Алтайский край
«Теоретические аспекты творческой деятельности педагога»
Экономическая теория
ООО «Гербалайф Интернэшнл РС» , Москва г
«Генезис и этапы развития креативной экономики. Место и роль промышленности как ключевого фактора»

The article defines the stages of development of economic creativity, systematizes the factors of its development in each economic system. The author substantiates the idea that a key manifestations of the creativity in the historical evolution are advances in the methods and technologies of production. In conclusion the author touches the problem of creative management methods in the modern world and substantiates the need for research and development of this toolkit.
Aitalina I. Petrova
Pedagogical Institute of FSAEI of HPE "M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University" , Саха /Якутия/ Респ
«Эстетическое воспитание учащихся на кружковых занятиях»
Дошкольная педагогика
МАДОУ «Д/С №209» , Пермский край
«Развитие речевого творчества детей через использование игровых технологий»
Образовательная реформа современной России: социальные ожидания
FSBEI of HE "M.E. Evsevev Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute" , Мордовия Респ
«Детство надо отпускать. Психология метаобразования человека в медийном мире»

The work is revealed the idea of metaeducation as an educational practice «ontological design» on the basis of the existential approach in philosophy and psychology; the concept of subjective, objective and holistic globalization given by the author of the article; critical analysis of contemporary media-culture, its role in the education of the future, building metaculture and metaworld is characterized; the existential background for development of metaeducation given.
Наука и инновации в современном мире и изменения социальных ценностей
FSBEI of HE "Bunin Yelets State University" , Липецкая обл
«Обоснование, теория и практика Третьей мировой революции в философской трилогии Льва Толстого»

Three kinds of life – biological, social and spiritual, – the basic items of the Author’s doctrine of human life – are considered in connection with the problem of the efficient governing by the behavior of social entities and of the human beings, using spiritual values. It’s shown that the first fundamental ideas in the field were put forward by Russian writer, philosopher and scientist Leo Tolstoy who predicted the Third World Revolution to implement the spiritual values to the humankind’s life.
Парадигмы современного образования (различные направления)
Zoia A. Kargina , candidate of pedagogic sciences
SAEI of HE "Moscow Institute of Open Education" , Москва г
«Методология и методологические подходы к исследованию проблемы развития дополнительного образования детей»

This paper considers the modern methodology and analyzes the methodological approaches of research sphere of additional education for children, clarified the interpretation of the pedagogical phenomenon, compared definitions given by theorists and practitioners, refined understanding of the new roles of additional education of children in modern Russian education system.
Общее направление
FSBEI of HE "Cherepovets State University" , Вологодская обл